Launch without costs, all tools included.
Stunning mobile web experience
Intuitive interface, easy and no tech hassles
Lowest transaction fee, more profits for you
No hosting fees, no listing fees and unlimited products.
This service is included in all of our Cloud Payment packages and is designed to accommodate businesses of all sizes. Whether you are a small start-up or a large enterprise, Lean.x has the best packages for you to start streamlining your online e-commerce business. Quick, Secure, Easy and Value For Money.
All Packages
No Hidden Fee. Totally Free
Tailor your offerings with versatile product variants such as sizes, colors, and styles, elevating the shopping experience by accommodating individual preferences.
Fine-tune inventory management by setting minimum order quantities and labeling low stock items, ensuring seamless stock replenishment and preventing unexpected shortages.
Forge a direct link with our established logistic partners, streamlining order processing, real-time tracking, and reliable delivery, enhancing customer satisfaction.
Enhance customer experience with automated delivery updates, sharing tracking numbers seamlessly, ensuring transparency and trust in every order journey.
Exhibit your extensive product range without limitations, enabling you to display each item comprehensively and cater to diverse customer preferences.
Offer over 30 secure payment channels, spanning credit cards, digital wallets, and online banking, facilitating smooth and trustworthy transactions for a wide range of customers.
Many businesses from start-ups, large enterprises and brands have placed their trust in us to deliver the best quality of payment infrastructure services.